links for 2010-01-08
Social Media: B2B vs. B2C
Maintained company-related profiles on social networks:
B2B: 81%
B2C: 67%Participate in Twitter:
B2B: 75%
B2C: 49%Host blog/s:
B2B: 74%
B2C: 55%Monitor brand mentions:
B2B: 73%
B2C: 55%Engage in discussions:
B2B: 66%
B2C: 43%Participate in Q&A sites such as Yahoo Answers, LinkedIn, forums:
B2B: 59%
B2C: 44%Upload content (social objects) to Social Networks:
B2B: 50%
B2C: 32%Manage a community dedicated to customers or prospects:
B2B: 49%
B2C: 51%Monitor/support user ratings and reviews:
B2B: 49%
B2C: 51%Produce Webinars or podcasts:
B2B: 46%
B2C: 22%Advertise on social networks:
B2B: 42%
B2C: 54%Utilize social bookmarking sites such as delicious and digg:
B2B: 38%
B2C: 21%Employee recruiting:
B2B: 36%
B2C: 27%
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