To realize the marketing potential of virtual activities, you have to make them truly useful for consumers.
via @jeromebailly
apps for any phone (via @niptechpodcast)
The Apache Cassandra Project develops a highly scalable second-generation distributed database, bringing together Dynamo's fully distributed design and Bigtable's ColumnFamily-based data model. (via @niptechpodcast)
-Interaction dans l'utilisation du clavier et de l'écran (direction du regard, utilisation de l'auto-complétion)
– La connaissance et l'usage de Google par les enfants (fonctionnalités, perception générale)
– La frappe et l'orthographe (erreurs de frappe, outils d'assistance)
– Utilisation et compréhension des boîtes de recherche
– Requêtes à plusieurs étapes (complétion des requêtes, changement de stratégie de recherche, recherche par mots-clés ou en langage naturel)
via secrets2moteurs
– 78% of smartphone users accessed their browser in April 2010, while 80% of smartphone users accessed applications.
– In the three month period ending April 2010, more smartphone users accessed maps via applications, than maps via mobile browser.
– In February 2010, 26% of smartphone users accessed maps via applications. 19% of smartphone users accessed maps via mobile browser.
– WhitePages, a Top 10 iPhone reference application for almost two years with almost six million downloads has just as many iPhone consumers use their mobile website as their application.
– In the three month period ending April 2010, 6.2% of smartphone users accessed social networking sites via mobile applications, 12.8% of smartphone users accessed social networking sites via mobile Web browser.
– In the three month period ending April 2010, 4.4% of smartphone users accessed search sites via mobile applications, 14.9% of smartphone users accessed search sites via mobile Web browser.
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