links for 2010-07-28
Adobe Buys Swiss Company Day Software For $240 Million via @bcurdy (tags: cms wcm ecm day communiqué adobe)
Adobe Buys Swiss Company Day Software For $240 Million via @bcurdy (tags: cms wcm ecm day communiqué adobe)
Enterprise 2.0 Social Networking In Ibm 20091026 Final (tags: intranet social+intranet slideshare IBM)
the Awesome Highlighter >> Highlight text on web pages Highlight any content on any web page. Cool for podcasting! via @mfavez (tags: free cool stabylo highlighter annotation)
35 bots Twitter qui peuvent vous aider (tags: twitter twittertools twitterbots useful funny)
Make Your Software Development Team Agile | Software Development in the Real World TeamPulse is an awesome product that is being released later this month that combines agile and lean best practices enabling your development team to plan software development …
Loi de Godwin – Wikipédia « Plus une discussion en ligne dure longtemps, plus la probabilité d'y trouver une comparaison impliquant les nazis ou Hitler s'approche de 1. » Etrange, mais apparemment fréquemment vérifié… (tags: godwin law community online behaviour) …
NetSquared, an initiative of | remixing the web for social change NetSquared enables social benefit organizations to leverage the tools of the social web (tags: netsquared socialweb epistemology humanitarian2.0) Gizmodo, the Gadget Guide Kids around the country are getting …
Intranet Blog :: Social intranets become mainstream intranet intranet2.0 social+intranet enterprise2.0
PHP.ini – DreamHost increase php max upload file size on a dreamhost plan (tags: podcastscience php php.ini dreamhost upload_max_filesize post_max_size upload) Stribe : un service pour intégrer un réseau social à son site – Marketing et Technologies, Blog de Julien …
Affiz adServer, tout pour gérer vos encarts et vos campagnes publicitaires | Fredzone (tags: adserver phpadsnew openx) CoFundIt Via Fred Forestier (tags: crowdfunding finance2.0)