links for 2010-02-24
Here are 5 steps for intranet 2.0 change management planning:
1- Intranet governance model (if you don’t have an explicit, documented governance model for the overall intranet, you’re going nowhere fast).
2- Social media policy (who can do what, when, how, and the rules for doing so).
3- Executive sponsorship (ensure you have a senior executive in your corner to help promote your new tools).
4- Communications plan (promote these tools by email, newsletter, the intranet home page, and buzz marketing activities).
5- Active conversations (lead and promote the conversation with topical posts (e.g. new blog post or wiki) that are well targeted and promoted to potential subject matter experts and keeners).
wow! it IS happening… People spent more time on Facebook than on all other sites added. Via @niptechpodcast
For the most part, it is a moot point: employees don’t want to blog. There are always keeners and exceptions to the rule, but employees have no interest in blogging. Even at IBM, one of the most technology and social media savvy employee populations on the planet, with more than 350,000 employees, there exists about 15,000 employee blogs (less than 5% of the population).
I must be gulping down tons of that protein without even remembering it 🙁
What's happening is that our privacy has become a kind of currency. It's what we use to pay for online services. Google charges nothing for Gmail; instead, it reads your e-mail and sends you advertisements based on keywords in your private messages.
The real holy grail is your list of friends. -
Les Américains passent une moyenne de trois heures par jour à consulter Internet depuis leur cellulaire.
– 62 % des détenteurs de cellulaire l'utilisent pour poster des messages instantanés,
– 58 % transfèrent des messages,
– 45 % d'entre eux postent des messages sur les réseaux sociaux,
– 43 % se connectent à leurs amis via les réseaux sociaux,
– 40 % Ã partager du contenu avec les autres et
– 38 % Ã partager des photos. -
via b-spirit
Southwest Airlines a subi les foudres d'un client mécontent sur Twitter. Incident qui soulève la question de l'impact des medias sociaux sur des règlements jusqu'ici bien acceptés. Via Olivier Gosset
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