Another blog

Dear not-quite-hypothetical Reader,

My name is Alan, I’m 36, I live in Lausanne, Switzerland. I’m married and the proud father of two little monsters. Not that little in fact…

Why a billionth blog? Because I think the idea is brilliant. I’ve been reading quite a few blogs for the past year, and I hardly watch the news on the TV any more. I feel I’m not learning much about what is really going with the traditional media, whereas blogs provide me every day with information that actually makes sense, makes me understand the world better and ultimately makes me a better person.

There is still a kind of magic within the blogosphere. I love its democratic spirit: opening your opinions to comments and criticism. Actually, I love the whole web2.0 idea, and I just thought I could also bring in my tiny contribution.

I still need to find a name for this blog, and a design, but that will have to wait.

I hope I’ll always find the time to write more or less interesting stuff instead of just debating brilliant ideas on my own with myself.

See you!

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