A "must see" video about motivation: RSA Drive
An absolutely fantastic 10′ video about motivation, money, purpose, management, engagement… It really gets you thinking if you haven’t started already. Via @niptechpodcast
An absolutely fantastic 10′ video about motivation, money, purpose, management, engagement… It really gets you thinking if you haven’t started already. Via @niptechpodcast
A very short talk at the TED Conference by the American philosopher Daniel Dennet: In other words, we’re not fond of honey because it’s sweet, but it tastes sweet because our brain loves it. We don’t love our babies because …
Enorme! Extrait d’une interview de notre Conseiller Fédéral Moritz Leuenberger dans L’Hebdo du 19 mars 2009: L’Hebdo: Internet va finir par tuer la presse imprimée. Non? Moritz: Je le conteste. Se balader avec L’Hebdo dans la main, c’est comme porter …
L'avenir de la presse écrite, selon Moritz Leuenberger Read more »
Hi, I just signed an urgent petition calling on the Chinese government to respect human rights in Tibet and dialogue with the Dalai Lama. This is really important, and I thought you might want to take action: http://www.avaaz.org/en/tibet_end_the_violence/98.php/?CLICK_TF_TRACK After nearly …
Notes on the run of the talk by the cybernetician Kevin Warwick. Just 2 words to say that this is the probably the craziest thing I have ever seen! During the talk, I had the feeling I was witnessing the …
Paul Dourish (UC Irvine) On interaction between ethnography and design. (really experiencing trouble with wi-fi, firefox and wordpress 🙁 ) In short: ethnography IS relevant for design. Aboriginal navigation vs cartographic navigation relevant for our understanding of mobility. The wi-fi …
Notes on the run… Genevieve Bell is an anthropologist with a Ph.D. from Stanford. Why an anthropologist at Intel’s? Well… There are at least 30 of them there! Intel seems to want to understand what kind of a specie humans …
Actually, it’s the same talk as he gave in Reboot in May. Still just as brilliant! About the online social skills of kids, their parents aren’t even aware of. The last renaissance was lead by a bunch of Scotts. The …
Notes on the run… Steph shares her experience on going freelance and invites all the freelancers to Going Solo, her conference for freelances in March, in which she managed to invite Stowe Boyd as a speaker. Good luck!
Jonathan Cabiria, whom I had the chance to meet at Lift last year, is a brilliant American psychologist and researcher. I quite enjoyed his talk since he brought social communities back to their evolutionary basics: “We come together to be …