links for 2010-05-18
Brilliant! SASI, a Semi-supervised Algorithm for Sarcasm Identification, can recognize sarcastic sentences in product reviews online with pretty astounding 77 percent precision. To create such an algorithm, the team scanned 66,000 product reviews, with three different human annotators tagging sentences for sarcasm. The team then identified certain sarcastic patterns that emerged in the reviews and created a classification algorithm that puts each statement into a sarcastic class.
via @stephtara
Hehe! That was the only missing piece in the  Kindle ecosystem. Can't wait for it!
Quel souvenir les internautes gardent-ils des bannières ? Comment les perçoivent-ils ? Comment évoluent leurs intentions d'achat et d'utilisation de la marque suite à ces campagnes publicitaires ? Avec l'étude Net Impact 6, l'IAB fait le point sur l'efficacité du display auprès des internautes.
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