links for 2009-05-16
Comment les sites marchands agencent-ils les nombreuses informations qui doivent figurer sur une fiche produit ? Véronique Renault, consultante ergonome à  Benchmark Group (éditeur du JDN), en analyse dix.
PUMP is touted as the [iTunes for video], but it’s exactly much more than that and rather similar to apps like Miro and Joost. (…)
rGems from the fossil record
1 Land-living ancestors of whales
2 From water to land
3 The origin of feathers
4 The evolutionary history of teeth
5 The origin of the vertebrate skeletonGems from habitats
6 Natural selection in speciation
7 Natural selection in lizards
8 A case of co-evolution
9 Differential dispersal in wild birds
10 Selective survival in wild guppies
11 Evolutionary history mattersGems from molecular processes
12 Darwin’s Galapagos finches
13 Microevolution meets macroevolution
14 Toxin resistance in snakes and clams
15 Variation versus
Brilliant! Via -
Social media adoption has accelerated on the corporate intranet, led by blogs, wikis and discussion forums.
Facebook en 2e position, juste derrière Google, comme générateur de trafic sur!
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