links for 05/02/2011

  • Le site N2YO (qui est l’indicatif radio-amateur de l’auteur du site du même nom) permet de suivre en temps réel la Station Spatiale Internationale, le Télescope Hubble et bien d’autres satellites. Il est possible de suivre jusqu’à 5 satellites sur la même carte.

    tags: satellite hubble iss tracker science fun

  • “Early on, internet forums gave individuals a way to communicate with each other on a variety of topics allowing users to create threads between one another and exchange information. Since then, these forums have transformed into blogs and the people responsible for writing them into bloggers. With the internet being such a powerful tool, being able to reach so many people with the click of a mouse, bloggers are now a household name. Here’s a look at their evolution..”

    tags: blogging bloggers blogs trends infographics

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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