links for 2010-10-30
The awesome size of the internet [infographic] via Olivier Tripet (tags: stats statistics infographics figures internet 2010)
The awesome size of the internet [infographic] via Olivier Tripet (tags: stats statistics infographics figures internet 2010)
Pourquoi British Telecom n’est pas sur Facebook (tags: facebook BT trend enterprise2.0 enterprise+facebook) PDF2FlashPageFlip| Webmaster – Ressources et outils gratuits pour votre … (tags: pdf2flash flipbook) 10 sites de shopping social Crowdstorm, Etsy, Woot, Productwiki… A la frontière de la …
Cortexiphan – Fringepedia – The FRINGE wiki (tags: fringe wiki cortexiphan) » : premier site suisse selon Net-Metrix-Profile (tags: stats statistics switzerland 2010 trends comin)
Actualité technologique et scientifique – News & Dossiers via Nicolas Vradis (tags: science tech news) An App That Makes Android Smarter Than Ever | Fast Company how to make a smartphone really smart. Looks pretty cool, I've got to try …
The Levelator – Télécharger via @bcurdy (tags: podcast tools) 20 opérations et campagnes géniales sur Facebook et Twitter | via Olivier Tripet (tags: socialmedia inspiration facebook twitter marketing 2010 trends) OwniSciences, Société, découvertes et culture scientifique via @cestpasfaux (tags: science …
Wufoo: Online Form Builder – Create Web Forms & Surveys (tags: forms form+builder survey tool)
Sept recettes d’innovation de Steve Jobs (Apple) : Entreprise Globale Seems so obvious, and yet nobody else seems to apply these principles with such brio… 1. Do what you love! 2. Put a dent in the universe. 3. Kick start …
Twitter Crushing Facebook's Click-Through Rate: Report | Fast Company (tags: viral sharing stats twitter facebook email click-through) Issuu – About (tags: flipbook fpdftoflash yudu)
Search Features Quick access to Google search features (weahter, time, music, calculator, book search, demographics, …) (tags: google google+tools shortchut cool)
Search Features Quick access to Google search features (weahter, time, music, calculator, book search, demographics, …) (tags: google google+tools shortchut cool) SmartJog: Fully managed distribution and file transfer platform Echange sécurisé de gros fichiers vidéo. via Michel Croibier (tags: filesharing …