links for 2009-04-18
YouTube – EDU via OpenCulture (tags: education youtube video learning university lectures stanford Harvard mit yale)
YouTube – EDU via OpenCulture (tags: education youtube video learning university lectures stanford Harvard mit yale)
FREELANG – Happy Birthday in all languages @ Jérôme: la mulÅ£i ani! (tags: language birthday)
Micro-Blogging Meets Micro-Payments, Courtesy Of Tipjoy’s API Social micro-payments enabler Tipjoy is releasing an API today that allows charities but also companies and individuals to handle relatively small payments from within their applications and spread the word through Twitter. Via …
answer to life the universe and everything – Recherche Google Q.E.D. Brilliant! Google = deep thought. (tags: google google+tools 42 douglas+adams ultimate+question) Une époque formidable …. ou terrifiante? (tags: trends internet)
Manage Your Various Online Identities With – Content Hub and Identity Management Platform – via (tags: online+identity identity socialnetworking openid)
Five Technologies Tim O'Reilly Says Point Past Web 2.0 1. Google Voice Search on the iPhone 2. Gracenote's CDDB 3. AMEE Smart Grid 4. The NASA/CISCO Planetary Skin 5. IBM Smarter Planet (tags: trends web2.0) la_decroissance.pdf (Objet application/pdf) La décroissance …
The Long Tail – Wired Blogs – Terrific survey of free business models online From Box UK, a survey of business models used by the top Web apps, most of them variations of ad-supported Free and Freemium. In the chart …
Presse Edition :: Deloitte distingue les 10 principales tendances de l’industrie des médias en 2009 Encore des prédictions d'expert. Plutôt marrantes. Je partage la vision pour les prédictions 1, 3 (vaguement) et surtout 10. Beaucoup de mal à  imaginer en …
A very short talk at the TED Conference by the American philosopher Daniel Dennet: In other words, we’re not fond of honey because it’s sweet, but it tastes sweet because our brain loves it. We don’t love our babies because …
Live Once Tattoo – DNA An incredible new school DNA tattoo! Inspiring… (tags: science tattoo dna)